martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

SCIENCE - UNIT 10 & 11

The following phrases are all wrong. Write them correctly.
1)People in the Palaeolithic lived in big communities. PEOPLE IN THE PALAEOLITHIC LIVE IN CAVES.
2)People in the Neolithic hunted and fished. PEOPLE IN THE PALAEOLITHIC HUNTED AND FISHED
3)During the Palaeolithic people are nomads.
4)Agriculture was discovered during the Middle Ages. AGRICULTURE WAS DISCOVERED DURING THE NEOLITHIC.
5)People in the Palaeolithic dressed in clothes made with fabrics. PEOPLE IN THE PALAEOLITHIC DRESSED IN ANIMAL SKINS AND LEATHER.
6)During the Neolithic people lived in caves. DURING THE PALAEOLITHIC PEOPLE LIVED IN CAVES
7)Farming was invented in the Modern Age. FARMING WAS INVENTED IN THE METAL AGE

What can the Prehistoric people do?
They CAN fish
They CAN hunt
They CAN'T write
They CAN'T make houses
They CAN make fire
They CAN cook

What have they got?
They'VE GOT stone tools
They'VE GOT caves
They'VE GOT skin clothes
They HAVEN'T GOT domestic animals

HOMO HABILIS: 1st human. He can make tools
HOMO ERECTUS: He can stand on two feet
CRO-MAGNON MAN: He is very similar to us. He is the first HOMO SAPIENS.

First human beings are not many.
They live in small groups.
They fish, hunt and gather plants and fruits.
They settle in sheltered places, protected from wild animals, normally next to rivers.
They live in caves.
They move to different places looking for food. They are nomads

Life changes when they discover agriculture.
They start raising animals
First houses are made of wood
They make clay pots to cook and to store food
They make clothes with wool from animals